Thirty two years ago, Tim and I dared not glance at each other as the congregation began the second stanza of “Because He Lives”, “How sweet to hold a new born baby…” If anyone saw our smiles, they’d guess we were expecting our first child. We wanted to hold the news in our hearts before sharing.

Sadly, four months later, that joyful time ended in heartbreak and miscarriage. Uncertainty took hold. Even as I grieved the loss of Francis Lane, I wondered if we’d ever “hold a new born baby and feel the joy he brings.”

A year later, we did indeed hold our 9lb, 21″ son. He never really looked like a new born, but did bring great joy. And the rest of the song became deep with meaning.

But sweeter still, the calm assurance, this child can face uncertain days because He lives.”

Uncertainty. It causes some people to thrive. (I would not be listed among them.) No matter how much we plan and organize, no matter how well we follow “the rules”, our “ducks in a row” can morph into feral cats – which makes it even sweeter to have that calm assurance because He lives.