I was a shield maiden.

(Yes, I watched Vikings even though I closed my eyes during the violence which means they were closed a LOT.)

When Ty was a little fellow, we were very conservative in what and how much TV he viewed.  The criticism and belittling from other parents was harsh. One mom told me, “I let my child (6 yr old) watch whatever he wants. It toughens him. You are turning your son into a baby.”


A few years ago, my neighbor and I started seeds in biodegradable pots. Although the seeds soon sprouted, one of us overwatered, one of us under watered. The sprouts withered. All of them. I guess a nursery career is not in my future.

Contrast that with our local nursery.

The master grower protects the seedlings in a humid greenhouse until they are strong enough to survive. Later, she opens the doors to the growing area so breezes can sweep through and toughen the delicate plants. Eventually, she moves the plants outside during warm days and covers them during the chilly nights. They thrive. Last year, I bought several of her plants. They proved to be the strongest, most prolific vegetable and flower plants I have ever purchased.

Think of your children. There is a season to protect them, to be their shield. There is a season to strengthen them. And there is a time to step back so they realize they can thrive in the elements of life.


Throughout the Bible, God is referred to as a ‘shield’. 

Shield maiden moms are in good company.