Say the name Jochebed and most people look blank. Add that she is the mother of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam and recognition dawns. Jochebed is also the main character in Slender Reeds and she is even more than that.

She is us.

Some of her days burst with joy. Other days dragged dark and overwhelming. Life was woven together with laughter and loneliness, people she loved and people who tried to discourage her. Even ‘best’ friends disappointed her. Childhood scars lurked in the corners of her mind. And sometimes, when those she loved hurt, she questioned if God cared.

Sound familiar?

As a child, I thought the people of the Bible skipped merrily through life with the calm assurance that all would be well. After all, Abraham holds his long awaited son, (spoiler alert) Moses is rescued by a princess, God parts the Red Sea, David wins the crown and Jesus conquers death. Great! God is in control. Just do what He says and no one needs worry.

Then motherhood arrived. In the middle of running a household, planning meals and changing diapers, it became easy to think “Susan’s in charge.” (Friends, that’s ground for legitimate worry!) Thankfully, God gently reminded me that “He was God and I am not.”

Just as Jochebed journeys from childhood confidence in others to self-dependence to reliance on God, we, too, walk that path. As adults, we know of despair and injustice, of the ravages of broken relationships and unfathomable grief. We choose who to trust.

In this life, Part One – happily ever after is not a guarantee. As believers, we’re looking forward to Part Two – healing, restitution, forgiveness, peace. Because He is still in control and no one needs worry.