In one minute everything can change.

Old assumptions can be shaken and new priorities emerge. Relationships merge or fracture, perceptions shift.

You’ve experienced those changes. A letter, a diagnosis, an award, an insight—all have earthquake potential. What did you do? Pray? Panic? Cram the pain into a corner of your heart? Shout the news from the rooftop of Facebook?

The uncertainty, the earthquakes of life are certain—for us and for our little ones. How do we prepare them to face that uncertainty, to be survivors, to be resilient?

Listening is key (and remembering their earthquivers are 7.9 on a personal Richter Scale). Convey understanding. Help them explore options to resolve or cope with the unexpected. Model the way you want them to respond to the unexpected.

Always be available.


I’m not always available. And no matter how much I’d like to always ‘be there’ for them, it’s impossible.

So what’s a mom to do?

Make sure they know Who is there for them.

Matthew 28:20

It’s my responsibility and my privilege. has more ideas on how to teach resiliency.